Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Should Asbury Park Use Video Cameras in High Crime Areas?

Dear Friends of Asbury Park:

In response to a letter I received from a constituent this week about the recent vandalism in Library Square Park, I sent a memo to the City Manager and to the Police Chief today requesting the following:

Can the Police Department please prepare a report for an upcoming Workshop Session about placing cameras in known high crime areas (Library Square Park, Bangs and Prospect, Washington Avenue, etc.)?

While I am awaiting a response from the City Manager and Police Chief to this question, I am interested in hearing from as many residents as possible about this issue.

I encourage you to post your thoughts below.


Councilman Jim Keady


De Seno & Kunz, LLP said...

I was working on this issue when I was on the UEZ. We had a meeting with the police and were waiting for a vendor to give us prices.

However that Board was too busy with other important work, like renaming our Christmas celebration "Winter Holiday."

Such priorities.

I hope you can get something done on getting these cameras, councilman.

Anonymous said...

Yes. This overview persuded me:
Public Video Surveillance:
Is It An Effective Crime Prevention Tool?

Greg said...

The cameras are a good idea, but there needs to be people monitoring them.
A plain clothes Policeman(?) (Policeperson) walking through Library Square would be more effective. I walk my dog there twice a day and I see prostitutes and drug deals EVERY day. I call the police and give plate numbers when I get them but every day the same people are around.
I think the press that the cameras are there will drive the crime out of the park, but moving it somewhere else is not the solution.

Anonymous said...

Cameras are long overdue. They do make a difference both as a deterant for those who know they are present and to catch those who commit crimes despite them. There is simply not enough police to be everywhere. This seems like the only viable solution and has worked in other communities.

Anonymous said...

You really have to ask that question?

Anonymous said...

If there ever was a community on the Jersey Shore that needs cameras, it is Asbury. They are long overdue.

iksnivip said...

While I dislike the idea of surveillance cameras, I am also aware they can be an important tool for the police department to follow up on vandalism and crime. I support the use of these cameras and hope the day will come when their necessity will be diminished by a greater sense of civic pride and respect.