Monday, November 20, 2006

Request for Funding for the West Side Community Center

Dear Constituents,

I am writing to share information with you about the discussion that occurred at last Monday’s City Council Meeting regarding earmarking funds for potential use by the West Side Community Center.

During the public portion of the meeting, a significant number of residents and community leaders shared their frustrations about the violence in our streets and its impact on our young people. To combat this problem, they asked for the City Council to offer greater support to the West Side Community Center.

In light of the issues they raised, I put a motion on the floor requesting that the governing body earmark $100,000 in funding from our Community Development and Affordable Housing Fund that could be made available for infrastructure upgrades and programming at the West Side Community Center. I also stated that in order for this money to be released, the West Side Community Center would submit proposals to the City Council on how the money would be used. The governing body would subsequently vote on which proposals they would like to support.

I was unable to garner a second for this motion.

There have been some detractors of mine that have suggested that I met with these citizens on Sunday night prior to the meeting and “set the whole thing up.” Not only does such a charge show complete disrespect for the initiative of these West Side residents, it also is patently false. On Sunday evening, when the community members were holding their meeting, I was at home with my wife, Leslie.

There has also been the charge that I “blindsided” my colleagues with my request, that I had never discussed this issue before. On October 18, 2006, the day that Tylik Pugh was shot, I discussed earmarking $250,000 in funds from the Community Development and Affordable Housing Fund for community programs with both the City Manager and the Mayor. My proposal was similar to the one I made on Monday night, that the funds would be set aside and that community organizations like the West Side Community Center, the Boys and Girls Club, the Salvation Army, etc. could apply for money for programs specifically focused on getting our young people off the streets and involved in positive activities. At the request of the Mayor, I did not put forth this proposal publicly that night and I deferred to his desire to have some time to speak with the folks at the West Side Community Center.

It has also been said that there was no basis for the $100,000 amount that I requested be earmarked on Monday night. In my numerous conversations with staff, the former Executive Director, their consultant, and board members at the West Side Community Center, I learned quite a bit about their needs, financial and otherwise. In addition, 8 months ago, in March 2006, the West Side Community Center gave a proposal to the City requesting approximately $90,000 in funding for infrastructure upgrades to the facility. This proposal has not been moved forward to date.

Regarding the infrastructure needs to the West Side Community Center: they are deeply in need of having the bathrooms in the gym completely rehabilitated; the electrical wiring in the main building completely redone; a general facelift for both the exteriors and the interiors of the gym and the main building; and help in creating renewable revenue streams to maintain appropriate staffing levels and programming for our kids. I strongly believe that making an investment into the West Side Community Center has the potential to reap benefits for the city now and in years to come.

If you have an idea on how we can best approach the items listed above or perhaps you would like to donate your time or financial resources, please let me know.

While much attention has been focused on my approach to these issues of late, the realities still remain. I am hopeful that the entire community will work together collaboratively to address these challenges, and I firmly believe that we have it within us to accomplish the task.

I hope this finds you well.

Peace, JWK

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